═══ 1. Help for Encoding ═══ This menu option allows you to convert binary files into uuencoded files. Selecting this menu item will display a dialog box which allows you to select the files that you want to encode. After the selection is complete, click on the "OK" button to start the encoding. The encoding parameters are determined by the Settings notebook. For more information about setting the parameters, see The Settings Notebook for more details. ═══ 2. Help for Decoding ═══ This menu option allows you to convert uuencoded files back to binary files. Selecting this menu item will display a dialog box which allows you to select the files that you want to decode. After the selection is complete, click on the "OK" button to start the decoding. ═══ 3. Help for Exit ═══ This menu option will end the program. If there is any encoding or decoding taking place, the program will ask you if you are sure that you want to abort the process and exit the program. ═══ 4. Help for Settings ═══ This menu option will display a settings notebook from which you can change the behaviour of PMUUE. For more information about the Settings notebook, see The Settings Notebook for more details. ═══ 5. Help for Menu Item "Help index..." ═══ This menu item will display a help index for help with PMUUE. ═══ 6. Help for Menu Item "General help..." ═══ To encode a file: 1. Press Ctrl-E or select "Encode..." from the "File" menu 2. Select the files to encode from the file dialog 3. Select "OK" when finished selection The program should encode the files at this time. To decode a file: 1. Press Ctrl-D or select "Decode..." from the "File" menu 2. Select the file to decode from the file dialog Note: The selected files must be in uuencoded form 3. Select "OK" when finished selection The program should decode the files at this time. ═══ 7. Help for Menu Item "Keys help..." ═══ This menu option will display some available keystrokes allowed in the main window. ═══ 8. Help for Menu Item "Using help..." ═══ This menu option will display instructions on how to use help. ═══ 9. Help for About ═══ This dialog box displays information about PMUUE including the author's name and the version. ═══ 10. The Settings Notebook ═══ This dialog box controls the behaviour of PMUUE. It sets the parameters for many aspects of the program. The OK button will set the parameters for this session only. The Cancel button will not change any of the parameters. The Save button will set the parameters for this and future sessions. For more information about each page of the settings notebook, choose one of the following: o The EOL Page o The Notification Page o The Directories Page o The Multi-part Page o The Miscellaneous Page ═══ 11. The Save Button ═══ This button will save the current settings for this and future sessions. ═══ 12. The EOL Page ═══ This page determines what PMUUE will use as an End-Of-Line marker when uuencoding files. In DOS and OS/2, the End-Of-Line marker is represented by a carriage return (ASCII character 13) followed by a linefeed character (ASCII character 10). In UNIX, the End-Of-Line marker is represented by just a linefeed character. ═══ 13. The OS/2 Text Radio Button ═══ Choose this button to have uuencoded files end each line with a carriage return (ASCII character 13) and a linefeed (ASCII character 10). ═══ 14. The UNIX Text Redio Button ═══ Choose this button to have uuencoded files end each line with a linefeed only (ASCII character 10). ═══ 15. The Notification Page ═══ This page is used to control what windows PMUUE will use to communicate with the user. For more information, choose one of the following: o The Log Window o The Message Box o The Status Line ═══ 16. The Log Window ═══ This checkbox will determine whether or not the Log Window is used. The Log Window is the main listbox window located under the menu but above the status line. ═══ 17. The Message Box ═══ This checkbox will determine whether or not message boxes will be used. Message boxes are dialog boxes which appear whenever a significant event has happened. The only option that the user has once one of these message boxes appear is to select OK to dismiss it. ═══ 18. The Status Line ═══ This checkbox will determine whether or not the Status Line is used. The Status Line is used to display the last significant event that has happened. The Status Line is the text window located below the log window. ═══ 19. The Directories Page ═══ This page is used to control which directories PMUUE will use by default. For more information about each item, select one of the following: o The Default Binary Directory o The Default UUENCODE Directory o The Default Extension ═══ 20. The Default Binary Directory ═══ This entry field contains the default directory to use to look for binary files. This directory is used as a default for the dialog box for the encode menu item and when decoding a uuencoded file. Note: This directory is set only at the beginning of each session. ═══ 21. The Default UUENCODE Directory ═══ This entry field contains the default directory to use to look for uuencoded files. This directory is used as a default for the dialog box for the decode menu item and when encoding a binary file. Note: This directory is set only at the beginning of each session. ═══ 22. The Default Extension ═══ This entry field is the default extension to use for single part uuencoded files. For more information about multi-part uuencoded files, see The Multi-part Page. ═══ 23. The Miscellaneous Page ═══ This page is for any other settings which are not significant enough to have its own page. For more information about each item, select one of the following: o Max Log Length o INI File o Allow Lowercase Characters ═══ 24. Max Log Length ═══ This entry field determines the maximum number of lines allowed in the Log Window. By default number is 500, the minimum number allowed is 5, and the maximum number is 10000. ═══ 25. INI File ═══ This entry field determines where the INI file for PMUUE is placed and the name of the INI file itself. Note: The program will not save the current parameters if the user changes the INI file. It is up to the user to select the Save button. ═══ 26. The "Allow Lowercase Characters" Checkbox ═══ This checkbox determines if PMUUE should allow lowercase letters to be valid uuencode characters when decoding. Some encoders are using lowercase characters as part of their encoding scheme. This may get around the problem of lines with spaces on the end of them but it could introduce problems for a decoder. For a decoder to be able to handle the old and new codes, it has to allow all printable characters as valid uuencode characters. This greatly increases the chance that an ordinary line of text could be interpreted as an encoded line, adding garbage to the final binary. If the final binary file contains some sort of garbage and this switch is on, try removing all lines that are not uuencoded and try again. ═══ 27. The Multi-part Page ═══ This page is used to determine if PMUUE will create multi-part uuencoded files or not. For more information about each item, select one of the following: o Create Multiple Part Encoding o The "Max. part size in KB" Radio Button o The Kilobyte Entry Field o The "Max. part size in lines" Radio Button o The Lines Entry Field o Allow Multiple Part Decoding ═══ 28. Create Multiple Part Encoding ═══ This checkbox determines whether PMUUE will generate multi-part uuencoded files or not. If multi-part files are used, then each part will have a filename with an extension of .u## where ## is from 01 to 99. ═══ 29. The "Max. part size in KB" Radio Button ═══ This radio button indicates that the size of each part will be determined by a maximum size in kilobytes (K). ═══ 30. The "Max. part size in lines" Radio Button ═══ This radio button indicates that the size of each part will be determined by a maximum size in the number of lines produced by the encoding. ═══ 31. The Kilobyte Entry Field ═══ This entry field indicates the maximum size of each part in kilobytes. The minimum value allowed in this field is 2 and the maximum is 999. The default value is 64. Note: The program might exceed this limit by a little bit so specify one kilobyte less than the maximum that you would like. ═══ 32. The Lines Entry Field ═══ This entry field indicates the maximum number of lines allowed for each part. The minimum value is allowed is 10 and the maximum is 9999. The default value is 980. Note: The program might exceed this limit by a little but so specify two lines less that the maximum that you would like. ═══ 33. Allow Multiple Part Decoding ═══ This checkbox changes an assumption that PMUUE makes when decoding files. If this checkbox is checked, then a binary file can be spread across multiple uuencoded files but the order of the files must be the same as they appear in the "Decode" dialog box. When this checkbox is not checked, PMUUE assumes that each uuencoded file contains entire binary files. ═══ 34. PMUUE Extended Help ═══ This program was created to perform two main functions: o Converting a binary file to a UUENCODED file o Converting a UUENCODED file to a binary file For an explanation on how to convert a binary file to a uuencoded file, see Encoding a file. For an explanation on how to convert a uuencoded file to a binary file, see Decoding a file. ═══ 35. PMUUE Keys ═══ From the main window, you can press: o F10 Menu o Ctrl-D Decode a UUENCODED file to a binary file o Ctrl-E Encode a binary file to a UUENCODED file o Alt-F4 Exit application o Alt-F9 Minimize window o Alt-F10 Maximize window ═══ 36. What is PMUUE? ═══ PMUUE stands for "Presentation Manager Unix-to-Unix Encoder/decoder. " Basically, this program can convert a binary file into uuencoded format or convert a file from uuencoded format back into a binary file. A uuencoded file is a file in a special coded format such that all the data in that file is a printable character. This format is used to transport files through text-based media such as an Internet newsgroup. ═══ 37. Encoding a file ═══ To encode a file: 1. Press Ctrl-E or select "Encode..." from the "File" menu 2. Select the files to encode from the file dialog 3. Select "OK" when finished selection The program should encode the files at this time. Note: The behavior of the encoding process will depend on The Settings Notebook. ═══ 38. Decoding a file ═══ To decode a file: 1. Press Ctrl-D or select "Decode..." from the "File" menu 2. Select the files to decode from the file dialog Note: The selected files must be in UUENCODED format. Note: When decoding multi-part files, those files must appear in the correct order in the dialog box. Select all the UUENCODED files associated with a binary file when decoding. 3. Select "OK" when finished selection The program should decode the files at this time. Note: The behavior of the encoding process will depend on The Settings Notebook. ═══ 39. Command Line Arguments ═══ Files specified as command line arguments will automatically be UUDECODED using the settings in the INI file. Wildcard symbols are accepted in filenames. Note: The program will automatically close itself after decoding any files specified on the command line. (Other command line options might be added sometime in the future.)